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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Erick: OH YA! guys!! pls do your references in APA format!
Aime: aiya easy... we do it now! 5mins will do!

here it is! Gershwin M.E and penolope. N (2004), handbook of nutrition and immunity, united states, retrieved from Febuary 3, 2010

michael & jackson: and ours,

Serendip. (2002). Laughing Matters. Retrieved on 5th January 2010 from

Lee, A. (2007, March 26). How Stress Affects The Immune System. Retrieved 5th february, 2010, from

Erick: great! thanks all for your hardwork! and this is mine,

Stressfocus. n.d. Food Items to be Included. Retrieved 5th february 2010, from

thanks once again! study hard for exams and all the best! :D

8:48 AM

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Erick: hi guys! So today start with?
Michael: us! we will be telling you all about FOOD!
Jackson: we found out that vitamins like B complex, C and E along with minerals like manganese, selenium and zinc are helpful in relieving stress.
Michael: yea! Food like fresh vegetables mainly green, yellow, orange and leafy vegetables are beneficial!
Jackson: Fresh fruits, fish, and skimmed milk are beneficial too!
Erick: how they benefit us then?

Michael: haha! Lucky we did find more details about it!
Fresh vegetables, fruits provide all vitamins and minerals. Green, yellow, orange vegetables like tomatoes, carrots are rich in vitamins for stress and minerals. Carotenoids in orange fruits and vegetables are antioxidants that strengthen the immune system by producing lymphocytes that are important to fight infection. As they are high in beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanithin which provide excellent protection against diseases.

HEY and vegetables also contain more fiber content which is helpful in treating constipation and the loose stools associated Irritable bowel syndrome which is one of the long term effects of stress! HAHAHA! Erick and Amie: (smile and nod their heads)

Jackson: On the other hand, skimmed milk contains less than 3% fat which is appropriate during stress. Milk also contains tryptophan which is essential for the synthesis of 5HTP or serotonin which is a mood stabilizer which helps in pacifying an anxious stressed person.
And and and…Fishes like Mackerel and Tuna contain more of Omega fatty acids which protect heart, from heart diseases which are precipitated by stress. Moreover fish also contains more of Choline which is a memory booster!
Amie: cooool!
Michael: In addition, whole grains contain minerals that can also synthesize proteins to make up cells in body. One more is that zinc can increase lymphocytes to fight cancers! So eat more food that contains zinc! Hahaha! Erick: that's it? Elaborate more on zinc!

Michael: OKAY, don't interrupt! (staring at him!) Zinc is involved in a variety of cellular functions including membrane stabilization, free radical defence, signal transduction, transcription, and cell replication. It is required for the activity of over 300 enzymes and is involved in the regulation of numerous genes.
Jackson: It’s my turn! Since zinc plays many vital roles in our body, deficiency of this element has immunological consequences. Zinc deficiency includes diarrhoea and dermatitis. Long term of zinc deficiency will affect the immune system, and decreased host resistance to infectious disease which is attributable to defects in cell medicated immunity. The normal range for plasma zinc in well- nourished adults and children is 10.5-17µmol/L.

Erick: OKAY GOOD! It’s so detailed! Now it’s my turn to share about the relationship between stress and immune system response!
Stress has certain effects on the immune system. Examples are cardiovascular diseases, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and many other illnesses.
Immune system is actually an interaction of cellular products and cells. The main cells are called leukocytes (white blood cells) which are also known as the fighter of your immune system and are divided into three classes mainly the monocytes, lymphocytes, and granulocytes.
Amie: OMG! It’s so chim! So many things to digest! Slow down please..

Erick: haha alright (smile) let me tell you what stress are!
Stress is considered an internal factor that can bring about a poor immune system. This is due to your body's natural response to stressful events. If your nervous system is frequently activated because of stress, your immune system's capabilities will be diminished.

So don’t get stress too often! Remember to relax yourself!
Michael: are you sure?Erick: If you're still not convinced, here is a list of the effects of stress on the immune system.
1. Increase in sympathetic activity and a decrease in cellular immunity.
2. The immune cells tend to migrate to other body parts which can worsen allergic conditions and autoimmunity.
3. The immune cell's positive acute mobilizations are suppressed.

Michael: Errr okay got it.. (whispering: provided that you’re not in my group.. oops!)
Erick: well, that’s all! Hope this report will be a success and also that teacher will give us HIGH marks for this report! Thank you everybody for this hardwork!
Aime: Its our pleasure (roll eyes)
Erick: don’t think i never saw that okay... I am not blind yet!
Michael and Jackson: hahaha!
Aime: whatever.. So nothing else? Goodbye all!
The rest: GOODBYE!

************The end of the project!**************

5:56 AM


Erick: okay so what have you found? Let’s start with Aime!
Aime: hmm, do you all know that the benefits of laughing are lower blood pressure, reduce risks of heart attack and stroke, reduce the levels of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, adrenaline and dopamine while increase hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters, increase antibody-producing cells and enhance T Cells thus a stringer immune system.


Erick: okay do you mind telling us more?
Aime: (roll eyes) OF COURSE I MIND! Just kidding~ (laughing to herself)

Erick: okay continue!
Aime: hmm laughter releases endorphins, neurotransmitters that have pain-relieving and boosts the immune system in variety of ways.

Erick: so how does it affect antimayonnaise? Oops I mean antibiodies. OH MAN! Whats wrong with me! I mean ANTIBODIES!
The rest: HAHAHA!

(B cells and Antibodies)

Aime: don't interrupt! Laughter can increase the amount of T cells, which attack viruses, foreign cells and cancer cells, and gamma interferon, a protein that fights diseases. It increases B-cells, which make disease-destroying antibodies. Immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights upper respiratory tract infections, and immunoglobulins G and M, which help fight other infections, levels all rise due to laughing. The amount of stress hormones are also reduced by laughing, some of which are hormones that suppress the immune system.
(Immune system)

Michael: wow! That's so chim!
Jackson: yeaa chimernology!
Michael: what time is it now?
Erick: 3.30pm already!
Michael: WHAT? Jackson and I gonna be late for our dance lesson! We’re learning Michael
Jackson move for D&D this weekend! Woohoo!

Jackson: faster if not we meet tomorrow?
Michael: okay meet tomorrow better! (grinning)
Aime: sian..
Erick: alright then, don't be late tomorrow!
All: BYE!

********** End of first meeting

5:37 AM


Erick: okay come lets discuss about who to do what!
Michael: NOW? sian..
Jackson: so KIASU for what..
Aime: omg omg!
Erick: we must faster get all the things done before exam!
Aime: should name you as MR KIASI..
Michael&Jackson: hahaha so true! HURRY PLS..

Erick: okay so Aime will find out if Laughter is the Best Medicine as in will laughter relieves your stress and boosts your immunity.
Michael and jackson will find out if food can be thy medicine and also on the dietary factors(with special reference to zinc and carotenoids) and immune system response.
As for me, I will discuss the relationship between the stress and immune system response.

Okay so lets meet next Monday! Thanks!

*************** End of Meeting****************

5:35 AM


Mdm Gong: Good Morning class!
Class: Good morning Mdm Gong~
Mdm Gong: I have an interesting task for you all to do!

Aime: AS IF..(roll eyes)
Michael: I think she is up to no good again..
Mdm Gong: (smiling to herself) okay, I want you all to write a report on..

1. A good laugh not only feels great, but also relieves your stress and boosts your immunity and Let food be thy medicine. Comment on the credibility of these statements, discussing the relationship between the following.
a. stress and immune system response.
b. dietary factors(with special reference to zinc and carotenoids) and immune system response.

Michael: knew it..
Jackson: OMG?
Aime: WHAT THE..(roll eyes)

Mdm Gong: don't worry, it will be due next month! (hehe)
Erick: alright…

***************Class dismiss***************

5:29 AM

Friday, February 5, 2010

This is a video created by our Director, Agnes Tan!
Choreographer - Gracia Lim
Actresses- K.Zhisin
Jamie L.
Gracia L.

Also thanks to yuxuan for helping us to record :D

We decided to upload this video so as to create laughter and cheer you all up! :D

6:48 PM

a smile a day keeps ur worries away :)

Khoo Zhi Sin
Gracia Lim Shi Hui
Agnes Tan Hui Ting
Yong Wei Yen
Jamie Lim Jie Min
Leong Wan Ning

Applied Food Science & Nutrition

Principle of Biochemistry and Physiology for Nutrition





the past

February 2010.



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